My ambition

My ambition

After 14 years of golf lessons and intensive training I learned the golf game with all aspects. From big and accurate driving distances to the putting green on different kind of greens. Also my approaches with irons are very good. Sandsaves of up and downs are a good part of my game. The movies on this website gives you a brief impression.

Eva on the golfcourse

The golf course has no secrets any more fore Eva. The last few years she practices more that 25 houres a week. It is not only golftraining but also a lot of physical training in the gym.

Eva on the drivingrange

Practice in a golfround is a good thing, but you need to practice also a lot nearby. On the drivingrange, near the chippinggreen, in the bunkers and on the green. 

Eva on the Trackman

Most of the lessons the Trackman is used to analyse the golfshots. The balspeed, clubheadspeed, spin, height, lenght, direction etc. 

Eva is working on her physics

Physics are important. Also for golf. Tiger Woods was a trendsetter and now Bryson De Chambeau does it again. Power golf. Explosif training. 

Eva on a neary contest

This is Eva in a real game contest - for the neary challenge at the KLM Open. You can see how she reacts on the crowd. The mental game is also very important. 

Eva's first hole in one

On a golfcourse in the north of Holland Eva made her first hole in one. She can't believe it. One of her first pro's has made a film of it.
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